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Week 25: interesting finds on Breestraat, Leiden

During the dismantling of the building at Breestraat 107 in Leiden, special items emerge.
For example, behind the shop fittings we found remnants of the café Neuf, which was located here at the end of the 19th century. Wall paintings and remnants of wallpaper and newspaper used as a base layer for the wallpaper.
The original ceiling, designed by architect Jacobus van der Heijden, also appears to be almost intact.
In addition, there are many older traces of seventeenth-century window frames and fireplaces.
A closer look by Heritage Leiden showed that the wall to the first floor can be dated to the 14th century.

Would you like to take a look? During the Open Monumentendagen 14 en 15 September this year, this building will be open for visit in the context of the theme "Places of Pleasure".


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